It's one thing to write, preach, teach and inspire others to do the right thing. It's something else to follow your own advice and Live the Life. This is about someone that Lives the Life.
Over a year ago I wrote to Harvey Mackay about something he wrote on his website. And I forgot about it until this week.
Monday I received a letter of apology from one of his assistants:
Dear Mr. Howard:
I am Harvey Mackay's assistant and I must apologize as I have just now come across a letter
It is totally my responsibility for the late response, so I'd like to briefly explain and hope you will understand.
I lost my dad in February...And she continues:
She also asked for my mailing address so she could send a book and the letter that Harvey dictated last year.
I wrote back and expressed my condolences over her losses, and updated her on what I have being doing with my blog references to Harvey, and also the influence he has had on not only me but also my oldest daughter who is excelling in relationship based sales.
Thursday a package arrived with the letters and some more of Harvey's writings.
Lessons learned:
- Harvey Mackay still takes the time to respond to those who write to him, despite the enormous volume.
- Harvey's staff also is living the life example that Harvey lives.
- It's never too late to do the right thing.